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Customer Service



Product Info


Reseller Application

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It may not function well with other internet browsers.

Alternatively, download this PDF and email your Application.

First Name: Last Name:

Email Address:

What is your primary occupation?

Have you/do you teach health/wellness/fermenting classes to adults?
If so, please describe:

How long have you been fermenting vegetables?

Please describe the method/system/brand that you have used to ferment:

Please list the quantity and sizes of all of The Probiotic Jars that you own:

If you do not own a set of The Probiotic Jar, we recommend The Summer Adventure Package to get started.

Would you like to sell The Probiotic Jar in a retail establishment? If so, where:

Is there anything else you would like to tell us to help us make a decision regarding this Application?

Please enter the following code into the box provided: