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Introducing the Fermenting Class Videos

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Fermenting I

In the Introductory Class
, Linda teaches the basics of fermenting, including a brief history of anaerobic fermentation. She focuses on sauerkraut, which is the oldest known traditionally-fermented vegetable, and one of the most healing and nutritious probiotic vegetables.

The class provides the foundation necessary to understand the principles and the process, empowering each individual to create successful ferments from the very first batch.

This class includes instruction, demonstration, students preparing their own sauerkraut, and a question and answer period.

Running Time: About an hour.

Fermenting II

In the Advanced Class
, Linda moves beyond the basics. This course covers how to mix brine, demonstrating a variety of different fermenting applications, including dairy, grains, fruit, and vegetables. Beet kvass, kefir, granola, lemons, carrots, garlic, dosa, and a medley of leeks, sun-chokes (Jerusalem artichokes), and peppers. A wonderful smorgasbord of delectable foods to enjoy!

Whenever possible, we encourage you to attend a live class in your local community. Viewing a video, while valuable, lacks the interactions and participation that occur in a group setting. We have prepared this video class to support individuals without access to a community resource.

Running Time: About two hours, twenty minutes.

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Fermenting I and II

BEST VALUE $197.00

Fermenting I (No Upgrade)

Regular Price $125.00

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